Showing posts with label Tomatoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tomatoes. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tomatoes Are Ripe

I have six tomato plants. One Virginia Sweets, and one Gurney Girl II, complements if my neighbor, and four of my reliable Big Boy.
This is two of the Big Boy tomatoes plants, six feet apart and nearly six feet tall. They will be quite a jungle in a couple of months.

Here is a few of the fruit of my labor.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Tomatoes

The first tomatoes.
They are of the Big Beef variety. Here is one of the two plants I have.
This is two of the four Big Boy plants. They are living up to there name.
These are four La Roma plants, planted in a three foot square. Should have done a six foot square.
This is a grape type tomato that I started from seed years ago and has been volunteering ever since. It produces hundreds of little tomatoes. The bottom of the bucket has been removed.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Batavia Lettuce

I've been growing Batavia Lettuce for a number of years. These varieties are Nevada (green) and Tiede (red). Tiede has a fine texture similar to most loose leaf lettuce. However the Nevada is very similar to head lettuce. I've also grown Sierra and it is just like Nevada but has some red color. Both varieties do very well in our hot humid Midwest summers.

This is my third planting of Batavia Lettuce of the season and I'm going to plant a fourth planting today.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Four La Roma tomatoes in front, four Big Boy next, and two Big Beef on the far end.
The La Roma tomato vines do not get real large and I will not cage them. The Big Boy get quite large and I believe the Big Beef will also get large. The Big Beef was a gift from my neighbor. The mulch is to prevent blossom end rot, and is caused by inconsistent moisture. Irrigate a little in dry weather should cure the problem.

And a wheel barrow full of lettuce just getting ready to be plowed under.