Showing posts with label Asparagus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asparagus. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2011

2011 Asparagus

This picture was taken on April 9, as soon as the soil could be worked in the spring. No asparagus had yet reached the surface.
On June 27, after harvesting over 40 lbs of asparagus and making a few laps around the edge of the bed with a hoe, I have quit harvesting.

Two week later.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Is Coming

Spring is coming to this part of the country right on schedule. The progress can be seen in my asparagus bed. No planting for at least two weeks.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last Pick of Asparagus

Yesterday was the last pick of asparagus for the season and will now let it go to seed. I've harvested between 35 to 40 lbs in a little over months.

The little fence keeps the plants upright and makes it easy to mow around.
No weeds yet!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I planted an asparagus bed form seed in 1970 and it served me well for 32 years until I built a new garage and had to destroy the bed. I started a new bed from 24 one year old root in 2003. Both were the Mary Washington variety. I hoe around the edge to keep the grass out and pull any weeds I see when I pick the spears every day. I quit picking the last week of June and shortly there is too much shade for weeds to grow.